Ando AQ6315B 光谱分析仪
The Ando AQ6315B is an Optical Spectrum Analyzer incorporating a variety of pre programmed analysis functions. The AQ6315B OSA is most known for its ability to read light in the visible range since it covers a wavelengths from 350nm to 1750nm. This Optical Spectrum Analyzer also incorporates a filtered light output making it a tunable filter. It can be configured for single pass or double pass monochromator.
Specs at a glance for the AQ6315B
Wavelength Range: 350 to 1750nm
Dynamic Range: 40dB (± 1nm, 633/1152/1523nm)
Wavelength Accuracy: ±0.05nm (1510 to 1570nm, 10/125 SM fiber)
Wavelength Linearity: ±0.02nm (1510 to 1570nm, 10/125 SM fiber)
Wavelength Repeatability: ±0.005nm (1 minute)
Polarization Dependency: ±0.1dB (at 1310/1550nm)
Additional Information
- Wavelength Resolution: 0.05 to 10nm
- Level Accuracy: ±0.3dB (at 633/1310/1550nm)
- Level Linearity: ±0.05dB (0 to -40dBm), ±0.2dN (0 to –60dBm)
- Sweep Time: 2.5 s. or less (full span)