The MP1632A/C Digital Analyzer is a compact lightweight analyzer combining a transmitter and receiver for performing error detection of high-speed digital data up to 3.2 GHz. This analyzer can measure both continuous and burst signals, which are used in optical circuit tests which cannot be handled by conventional BERTs. Ideal alternative to HP 71603B.
Operating frequency: 50 MHz to 3.2 GHz (1 kHz steps)
Test patterns:
PRBS pattern 2n-1(n:7,9,11,15,20,23,31)
Consecutive 0s pattern 2n (n:7,9,11,15)
Programmable pattern 2 to 8,338,608 bits
Interface level: Variable, ECL, PECL, TTL, LVTTL
Error rate definition range for eye margin measurement: 1 x 10-n (n:3 to 9)
Incorporates pulse pattern generator and error detector into one cabinet.
Programmable patterns of 8 Mbit max
Ideal for testing STM-16 / OC-48 (2.488 Gbit/sec)
Windows-based interface with color touchscreen.
Includes floppy, GPIB, RS-232, and VGA interfaces